iOS 11 Jailbreak News Creates Sensation Among Apple Fans
Apple will be more than disappointed to find that an iOS 11 jailbreak has already emerged. Naturally there are always a huge number of talented technicians keen on achieving this in every iOS generation, and it seems that one talented individual has just made a major breakhrough.
Italian developer Luca Todesco is already known for this ability in the jailbreak and security niche, and has seemingly achieved root status on the recently released iOS 11 platform. This iOS 11 jailbreak is already making headling news for Todesco, and will no doubt be celebrated by renegade iPhone users all over the world.
Apparently, the developer took advantage of a WebKit exploit that was already considered a rich seam of possibility for any iOS 11 jailbreak.
Todesco had already made a name for himself over the last year or so, with a variety of impressive work under his belt in bug fixing, security work and jailbreaking. Todesco has already investigated vulnerabilities in other platforms and systems, leading to his current reputation as one of the biggest mobile security experts in the world.
The achievement of garnering root status, though, will catapult his image and reputation to new levels of infamy. This potentially floats the delicious prospect of a Safari-based jailbreak for iOS 11 in the foreseeable future, although there is one caveat to this dangling carrot.
Todesco has previously stated publicly that he has left the jailbreaking community permanently. This very much implies that the iOS 11 jailbreak will not be made public, and the talented developer was instead simply engaging in private work, even if it has become part of the public domain.
Nonetheless, the fact that Todesco has achieved this critical aspect of jailbreaking iOS 11 suggests that other Apple developers and programming experts will be able to achieve similar things at a later date. Considering that the mobile operating system has only been available for just over a week, there is still clearly a huge amount of potential for other iOS 11 jailbreak solutions to emerge.
For example, KeenLabs had already demoed an iOS 11 jailbreak back in June, during which time the mobile operating system was still in a beta state.
However, Apple has attempted to circumvent such situations arising by launching its own Bug Bounty Program. This initiative means that it is generally more financially viable for potential jailbreakers to release information to Apple, rather than making such jailbreak attempts public.
Nonetheless, this latest iOS 11 jailbreak will certainly be intriguing for those looking to crack the mobile OS, and should lead to a spate of copycat attempts.
iOS 11 was announced alongside the new iPhone series, which includes the revolutionary iPhone X. This is the first ever Apple smartphone to feature a wraparound display, while the consumer electronics giant has included several other improvements in what has already become a highly regarded device.
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