best of cydia source

1 Hackulo Cydia Source/Repo Hackulo Source / Repo - First source to install after iPhone/iPod/iPad Jailbreak - Main Apps: Installous and AppSync [Must Have Cydia Apps]. You will need to install Installous ONLY; AppSync will be automatically installed. 2 Insanelyi Cydia Source/Repo Insanelyi Source - Best source for cracked Cydia apps and Cydia tweaks (Cydia Store apps). - Main Apps: Action Menu Plus Pack, AndriodLock XT, Barrel, biteSMS, frash, Graviboard, Gridlock, iAcces, iFile, Infiniboard, Infinidock, Infinifolders, Lockinfo, Masks, Multifl0w, My Wi, SleepFX, YourTube 2 and many more. - Excellent source for cracked Cydia themes - Good source for games DLC and cheats 3 HackYouriPhone Cydia Source/Repo HackYouriPhone Source - Best source for cracked Cydia themes and DreamBoard themes (Cydia Store themes) - Main Themes: Amplified HD, BoxorHD, Boxor HD – Ceramic White, blAze HD/iPad, Elite PRO HD, Glass Orb, iFlat, iFlat4 HD iPad, iNitsua Z SD/HD/iPad, inPulse for iPad, inPulse HD/SD, Kryptonite, LiveOS, Omega HD, Prestige-HD/SD, revi-krs HD+SD, Revolve HD/SD, SBHD,Snow Leopard and many more - Best (English!) source for games DLC and cheats. - Excellent source for cydia apps/tweaks as well. 4 SinfuliPhone Cydia Source/Repo SinfuliPhone Source - Excellent source for free Cydia apps/themes: e.g. AndroidLock, Attachment Saver, FaceBreak, GameBoy emulator, iBlueNova, iRealSMS, My3G, MyWi, and NES emulator. - May cause Cydia loading errors 5 xSellize Cydia Source/Repo xSellize Source / Repo
- Excellent source for cracked Cydia Store apps/themes: e.g. Cycorder, Cyntact, CLASSified HD, FBUploader, iBlacklist, ScrollingBoard, Speed Intensifier and many more. - May cause Cydia loading errors 6 iAP Cracker Cydia Source/Repo iAP Cracker Official Repo/Source iAP Cracker: Great app cracks inApp Purchases and make it Free. Examples for free inApp Purchases: Angry Birds (Mighty Eagle), Asphalt 6: Adrenaline, Jetpack Joyride, Line Birds, Plants vs Zombies and Tiny Tower. 7 BiteYourApple Cydia Source/Repo BYA (BiteYourApple) - Excellent Italian source for Cydia apps/themes, e.g. Full Screen for Safari, GroupSMS,Home Page in Safari and Wifi Sync. 8 51iPA Cydia Source/Repo 51iPA Source - Chinese source, known as the best games DLC/Cheats worldwide. 9 iHackstore Cydia Source/Repo iHackstore Repo/Source - Good source for cracked apps/themes 10 TheiPhoneSpot Cydia Source/Repo TheiPhoneSpot Repo/Source - New source: Cydia apps and Cydia themes


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